Cloud Computing Deployment Models

Cloud Computing Deployment Models

To use cloud computing provided by cloud provides, it must be deploy depends on need & requirements. For example if a company is making any website then website must be hosted/deployed then only users any access and use that website/application. There 3 types of cloud computing deployment:

  • Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud
  • Hybrid Cloud

Public Cloud

Public cloud provides all the resource and services over the internet. No local hardware's required. All resources are taking care by cloud providers.

You have to pay whatever amount of resources you consume. Public cloud deployment is faster than any other. In public cloud hardware owned & maintain by cloud provider. By making sure of you data must be isolated from others.

Public Cloud

Advantages of Public Cloud

  • Scalability & flexibility - Easy to scale your server without buying to a new hardware sever.
  • Pay only for whatever you use
  • Maintenance of cloud is not your headache, cloud provides are responsible for updating the software and hardware.
  • Deployment expert team is not required or minimal expert is enough to manage you application or less technical knowledge is required to set & use.

Disadvantages of Public Cloud

  • Public cloud cannot meet government policies & regularities.
  • Public cloud cannot meet specific security/configuration/requirement/legacy application.

Private Cloud

Private cloud provides cloud services into you premises. In private cloud only one organization employees can access the cloud resource. Organization keeping all the data in their datacenters and responsible for maintaining all hardware's and resources. Private cloud is useful for following regulatory in different geo-graphical locations.

Priate Cloud

Advantages of Private Cloud

  • Private cloud can meet government policies & regularities.
  • Your data can be secure in your in-premises datacenter.
  • You have control over security.
  • Private cloud can meet security/configuration/requirement/legacy application.

Disadvantages of Private Cloud

  • You have to manage your datacenter.
  • You are responsible to upgrade the hardware's and updating the software.
  • You have to purchase all hardware & software to manage private cloud.
  • You have to make a technical expert team to manage private cloud.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud is combination of private & public cloud. Hybrid cloud provides public cloud facilities into in-premises datacenter. Like you host your website on public cloud and keep your sensitive data in your in-premises datacenter.

Hybrid Cloud

Advantages of Public Cloud

  • Useful to meet government policies and regularities.
  • Hybrid cloud can meet government policies & regularities.

Disadvantages of Public Cloud

  • You have to manage your datacenter.
  • Less purchase of hardware as compare to private cloud.